1·This protocol overcomes the drawbacks of several previously proposed chaotic key agreement protocols, so it is effective and secure.
2·There are three kind of key agreement protocols: two-party key agreement protocols, three-party key agreement protocols, group key agreement protocols.
3·It seems that braid group is a kind of considerable public key cryptography platform, but current key agreement protocols, such as AAG, AAFG and BDH, all have different degrees of security weaknesses.
4·These coordination protocols are used to support a number of applications, including those that have to reach consistent agreement on the outcome of distributed activities.
5·Developers can use any or all of these protocols when building applications that require consistent agreement on the outcome of long-running distributed activities.
6·Lighting communication standard protocols, DMX512 agreement, I can read, we had better look at how.
7·Such coordination protocols are used to support a number of applications, including those that need to reach consistent agreement on the outcome of distributed activities.